If you've followed me for a while you'll know it wasn't until recently that I started sharing images and videos on this platform.
And it’s the word ‘share’ that matters to me. It’s about commonality. Knowing that someone ‘get’s it’. Being able to connect with people.
Social Work Sorted has always been the platform I needed when I was a new social worker. It’s the reassurance that it’s ok, someone understands and knows exactly the kind of help you need.
When I was training as a Social Worker I remember 'the talk'. It was very clear.
-No public social media
-Anonymous sharing
-Privacy settings
-Not using your full name
I think its essential to be mindful of social media as a social worker. The work we do, whether that is with children or adults, is highly sensitive and we have ethics and values to uphold as registered professionals.
But social media is a fast moving vehicle that is constantly changing and I truly believe we need to embrace the positives when it comes to social work and social media.
Sharing knowledge and skills, research and excellent practice, being able to connect with other social workers; it shouldn't be taken for granted.
We have accessible options for learning from others, particularly people with lived experience. Social media can provide autonomy, to share positive news about the profession which can counteract more negative narratives.
If you don't know where to start with social media you can;
-Speak to your manager for advice
-Check the policies for your organisation
-Read the BASW guidance for social media HERE
It's not an easy journey to navigate but I believe if social media is utilised for its strengths then it will become a much safer and positive place for social workers.
So many new social workers feel overwhelmed and lonely in their first year. Too nervous to ask for help and unable to see that there are so many others who feel exactly the same way.
I am here to reassure you that you are not alone. In every Masterclass I lead there are like minded social workers who share your experiences and ask the questions you thought were 'stupid'.
Your first year in practice can feel like a whirlwind but all you need to do is reach out and ask for help.
If you haven't already then say Hi over on Instagram @socialworksorted
Remember you are doing an amazing job,
Vicki x